
An academic community strives for excellence by encouraging an atmosphere of collaboration, 共同掌权, 和完整性. St. 365比分网电竞 is committed to treating all members of the campus community fairly 和 respectfully in an environment that encourages resolution of most concerns through discussion that leads to mutual underst和ing. 政策 applying to students are published annually in the St. 365比分网电竞 学生行为准则 在 本科 和 研究生 公告.

这个决议过程 不宜使用 for concerns/complaints that fall under the following categories. See hyperlinks in each bullet point for information about how to get hep with concerns in each category.

The Student Complaint policy is designed to help students address issues at the lowest level in the most direct 和 least taxing way possible. 遵循下面列出的步骤是最好的解决方法, 例如, a situation in which a student believes an assignment has been unfairly graded in a class still in session, has concerns about the academic quality or content of a course, or believes a staff member working in one of the schools or other departments at the university has not been responsive to repeated requests for assistance. These situations 和 others like them can usually be resolved through direct discussion.

The Process for Complaints Involving Administrators, 工作人员, 和/or Third-Party Contracts

学生,无论是校内还是网上, 谁对管理员有投诉/担忧, 员工和/或第三方承包商可提交 学生投诉表格.  This form will go to Human 资源 和 will then be directed to the appropriate parties for review. The complainant will receive information regarding the relevant next steps in the process. 


此流程是针对有关教师的投诉/担忧. 在开始这个过程之前, please note that all parties are advised to maintain accurate records related to the steps taken from the time a student reports a concern to the final conclusion. 记录可包括:书面摘要, 备忘录和信件, 会议指出, 电子邮件通信, 和 other relevant paperwork that help document both the complaint or concern 和 the resolution measures taken. 查看所有列表 系主任,副院长和院长.


Step 1: Initiate a meeting with the faculty member involved to discuss your concerns, 阐明你认为这个问题可能会如何解决, 然后朝着一个解决方案努力: 例如, if you are concerned about an assignment grade in a class you are currently taking, 先和教这门课的教授见面. If your concern is not resolved after this meeting, move to Step 2;

Step 2: Initiate a meeting with the faculty member’s department chair, 区域协调员, 或者项目主管: 如果问题在这一阶段没有得到解决,请转到步骤3;

步骤3:提交 学生投诉表格.  The complaint form will be directed to the associate dean in the school where the class is taught.  The formal complaint form must be submitted within 10 class days of the meeting with the department chair or immediate supervisor. The associate dean will then contact the student to arrange a meeting to discuss the concern. The associate dean may also suggest a second meeting with the student 和 faculty 和/or staff member to help mediate 和 resolve the concern.  If the student’s concern is not resolved after this process, move to Step 4;

Step 4: Request a meeting with the dean of the school where the faculty member teaches: A meeting must be requested within 10 days of the last meeting with the associate dean. 一旦要求与院长会面, the dean assumes the function of resolving the concern/complaint. The student 和 faculty member will be provided information regarding next steps 和 may be asked to provide additional information/documentation. The associate dean will provide the dean with the completed formal complaint form 和 any relevant additional information. 在与当事人审阅投诉后, the dean will provide a response to the student 和 faculty member within 14 days. 院长的决定是最终的,不能上诉.

注意: Should the complaint/concern involve a department chair or associate dean, students should contact the Office of the Dean in the relevant school.


所有学生投诉必须首先在内部解决. Complaints regarding areas not addressed by this policy may be submitted to Human 资源 using this form.

For complaints regarding on-line programs or instruction that have not been satisfactorily addressed through the established institutional channels set forth in the 学生投诉政策, 这个学生可以跟着 德州高等教育协调委员会投诉程序 在内部资源耗尽之后.

If the internal resources have been exhausted 和 the complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, the student may file a complaint with the 德州高等教育协调委员会 和/or the institution's accrediting agency. 这些机构的联系方式如下:

P.O. 12788箱


The Commission requests that they be contacted only if there is evidence that appears to support an institution's significant non-compliance with a requirement or st和ard.

For online students residing outside of the state of Texas only:
